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Jamie Hamilton

Jamie Hamilton lives on the property where he was raised in Glorieta.  A visit to his home reveals early influences on Hamilton's art:  Nets and cables are integrated into the structure of the unusual home, hand built by Hamilton's artist-parents.   Hamilton hand-wove a huge nylon net and welded 30-foot-tall triangular truss towers.  His art form bridges sculpture, performance, interactivity, and high-wire walking.  In 2012, Hamilton installed a room size sculpture in the large warehouse gallery at Santa Fe's Center for Contemporary Arts.  That work used welded steel structures, arranged in great tension, attached to the concrete floor and to the steel roof beams.  This high-wire performance is a further evolution of that artwork.  The high-tension steel and cable remain, but now Hamilton is himself an integral part of the artwork, as he combines strength, agility, grace, bravado, and humility, as he moves across the wire.

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